Monday, January 19, 2009

A Better Week

I'll start out saying, that last week sucked in my eating. I will confess, right now, that I ate spoonfulls of chocolate chip cookie dough-from the tub-on Saturday night as I watched "The Women". I do hope that it was not as bad as the scene in said movie where Meg Ryan eats a stick of butter by dipping it into cocoa and sugar, but alas I do not know! I did pay for this dearly as my stomach was not happy with me. I suffered belly pain all night! Also, while confessions are out there, those of us who were there for Fridays "class" (LOL) were somewhat convinced by our waitresses declaration at IHOP that we could order whatever we wanted, why? She said it was "Fat Free Friday", and that we were so lucky it was not tomorrow when it would be "super Saturated Saturday" whereas the calories were extra fattening. Yes, we indeed grasped onto this futile straw of nonsense!! She let us in on the fact that we did actually believe, each IHOP pancake has 20 grams of fat and over 200 calories, that's not counting the butter and syrup we slather on them!! Can you believe that?

So here we are a new week. I swear last time we did this, I was more in tune with what I needed to be doing. I feel like I am letting myself down, I know what to do and I am being lazy. I weighed myself today, and despite the crap I fed into my body last week, I lost over a pound. I only have 3 pounds left, but a lot of inches. The weight hasn't been so much of an issue this time, but I m going to start measuring every week and judge my work from that. I bought some little 2lb weight balls, kind of like medicine balls, but they are used in toning exercises I found in Shape Magazine. These exercises kick my butt-hopefully they'll shrink my butt as well LOL!

So the kids have been home from school for 4 days, my kindergartner 5 days. I am ready for school to be back into session. I think that as moms its easier for us to justify our actions of not taking care of ourselves when we give ourselves the excuse of "the kids come first". Obviously this is a skill we have to learn. I have 5 kids. Before kids, I reveled in exercise. I would go to work, salivating at the thought of running. It was not work for me! My 5 miles a day would pass sometimes too quickly. I loved the feel of the pavement as I took each step, pounding away the "stress" I thought I had back then. A couple years after marriage when I got pregnant with our first, I had morning sickness so bad that it was all I could do to walk, let alone run anymore. I had morning sickness with every child until they came into this world, seriously I would still be puking as I pushed. I used to joke that Pregnancy was my form of diet because I would drop 20 pounds or so every time and then come home weighing less than before I actually got pregnant. I figured it out the other day that for the 13 and a half years I have been married, I was pregnant or nursing babies for a decade of that. Why I couldn't figure out how to take care of this body during that time is easy, everyone else came first. I wanna figure out how to be healthy and take care of myself this time around. We can all do it, and those of you who are just starting to have kids please take this heed from me-don't ignore yourselves because you feel that everyone else should come first. If you don't take care of you, you cant be as efficient in any other area of your life. That's a regret for me, wondering how much better I could have been as a mom and wife had I just taken a time out.

This week I am wanting to be sure to do my whole toning routine, and eat better. I will attempt to drink half my body weight in water every day and post every couple days. I hope y'all are doing well!!


Lorie said...

I hear you on not taking care of ourselves, I have 4 kids. I think we really do need to try to take time for ourselves. I am not that good at it either, but I am with you it is so important!
Good Luck this week!

Anonymous said...

Holly hang in there! I think you WILL get back to the point where are running again and you'll love it just as much as you used it. After having a glimps of four kids (watching Cedric and Katelyn) the other day, I have no idea how you do ANYTHING with 5 kids!!

Kristi said...

Great post about taking care of ourselves, as mothers. I can imagine with 5 kids that's tough to make the time. I only have 2 kids and I find it hard sometimes. Great job on your goal progress too!

I like reading your posts because a lot of your thoughts are so similar to how I feel about this whole thing! I'm thankful that I've been able to finally be motivated to exercise regularly and control my cravings. It feels good to have that control back. Well, 2 weeks into it, let's hope it continues. LOL.

Karilyn said...

Here's to Fat Free Fridays! LOL