Friday, February 1, 2008

I'm in mourning

I just cant believe my luck,
That this is now my chest!
It may not seem a sacrafice
For me to look my best.
But through nursing all 5 babies,
The "girls" have lost enough!
I had learned to love them,
(though for my hubby it's been rough)
And now the twins are leaving me,
Which is sad and plain unfair!
Lose weight, we lose our assets,
& men-they get to keep theirs!
So if you have suggestions
To overcoming this hard loss,
I'd truly be appreciative-
What a price this weight loss costs!


Anonymous said...

LOL are too funny!

Tammy said...

LOL Amen Sista!! LOL That was where my first 5 lbs went!! LOL

Patty said...

Sorry for your pain, but that was too funny.

Carrie said...

You can have some of mine!!!! I would love to lose a little! See I don't lose mine beause I have enough fat everywhere else to lose it's you skinny people that lose yours. Plus if I lost mine I would look absolutely ridiculous my butt would be way out of proportion!!!

Christi said...

hehehehe..padded Bra's sista, padded bra's:_)

Hollys Hobbies said...

Sadly, the butt is the only place I havent seen a loss in yet. Whats up with that?! Is butt-fat like immune to loss? Is it better than the rest of the fat living near it? That must be it, it is conceited fat!!

Love to Lose said...

Just be happy with the thought that they went together. *sigh*
Remember, too, that you will see them again after you pass, only they may be with someone else!
Have a good week!

Della Hill said...

Victoria Secret has some fabulous bras that accentuate what you've got with some helpfully placed cushions and surprising lift. The Wave Bra is my new best friend.